I am still amazed every time I go to this school. They have a brass band which would easily rival the military bands that walk down the streets in city parades. Simple amazing. Remember, these kids are no older than 12 years old. Their band not only plays amazing music, but also does a marching routine while they play! The routine also includes dancers with flags and free dancing! Here they are practising before school.
I had my usual number of 3 classes for the day, nothing out of the ordinary. However, Mr Kosaka planned a Goodbye party for me with his 2nd grade class. This picture is him and written on the board is "Jodi sensei's farewell party". I really enjoyed working with him (he accompanied me to the other classes too), as he speaks really good English and has a great sense of humour. The class party was really cute.
First they all played a song for me on their (creepy) mouth organs. It was great! Then they sang a song for me. Next they had some time to make me a gift (mostly origami which I collected in a big bag!). Some students drew a picture of me. It was super cute. Last of all we had a group photo. It was such a lovely way to end my time at Joyo Elementary...easily my favourite school. Sayonara minasan.