Friday, October 12, 2007

Skipping Class for a lesson!

Confused by the title? Well, let me (Jodi) explain.

Last week the head of the PTA came and invited me to join the mothers in a cooking lesson for today (Friday). I knew I had 4 lessons but 3rd period was free so said I'd come then. My English teachers then informed me this morning that we had to record the listening exam in 3rd period, so I thought I'd miss it.

At the end of 1st period the deputy principal told my English teacher about the cooking class downstairs and suggested that I go. Ms Morimoto said it was OK for me to go and if I finish early to come to class afterwards. Woohoo!

When I arrived in the Home Ec room (a double classroom with 9 large work benches) there was a man in a chef outfit mixing some flour and water in front of an attentive audience of mothers sitting and watching wearing aprons and head scarves. They all looked so cute. For the duration of the 2nd period we saw him mix, knead and roll the special flour which was soon to turn into SOBA! I was so excited! He used the longest rolling pin I have ever seen and managed to roll his blob of dough into a large, flat, square sheet of soba which he then folded in half and half again. To finish off he used a scary looking knife to cut the 2mm strips. That was all I got to see because the chimes rang and I had to go.

I managed to get some extra time and went back to the Home Ec room for 10 or so minutes. The ladies had formed 4 groups and each group had made their own soba dough. They were up to the rolling part, beauty! The group which invited me to join them formed a circle around the table and took turns doing the rolling. Once your turn was up you moved around the table to the other side, everyone making their way around the table and back again for another shot. The ladies were impressed that I knew what to do. I told them (in Japanese) that I couldn't understand the chef speaking Japanese but I watched him. I think this surprised them, but hey, that's what I've been doing all year! Watch and learn!
At lunch time I was half way through eating my lunch when the head of the PTA came and asked if I wanted to taste the soba. Hmmmm, let me think about that...yep! I went down and was instructed on how to prepare the soba and then joined the other ladies in eating the soba dipped in a soy sauce, rice and tea. It was just delicious.