Thursday, October 4, 2007

Arakawa Elementary School

Today at Arakawa Elementary School there was a dodgeball competition on during home room time. Everyone made their way out onto the track and lined up on their classes. The kids were put into teams (and one team turned their cap inside out to show the red colour) and when the whistle blew there were about 12 games of Dodgeball all going at once! It was crazy. I was surprised at the force in which the 4th graders, whom I was watching, threw the ball at the other team! Quite violent and I even winced when kids were hit anywhere below the neck. Apparently you're not out if you get hit in the head (well that's alright then!).

Today I taught all of the 6th grade classes. I was asked to tell them some of my childhood memories and then teach them the vocabulary for McDonald's food. Well, I drew pictures on the blackboard, did over exaggerated gestures and sound effects to explain the story of how I broke my arm, how my Dad fell on top of me when a friend jokingly pushed him in the pool, that I always wanted to be a teacher and that my hobby is photography. On the last point I ask the classes if I could take their picture. Of course they said yes, they love having their picture taken. I had them on their edge of their seats and laughing their heads off, so making a fool of myself paid off. So then I taught them some vocab from McDonald's. The English teacher had prepared some cups and burger wrapping to make them look like burgers, which was great. I had to draw a few other food items, but the kids recognised them straight away!
Eating lunch at Elementary school still cracks me up when I see the kids wearing their little face masks and coats while serving lunch. Today's lunch included tuna and carrot spaghetti, my favourite salad (cabbage, carrot, con and bacon) and a bread roll. Not bad for free!!!! I had another fun day!