Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Reading Record (cont...)

Yep, yet another movie book!!!!!!!

19 - "Must Love Dogs"

By Claire Cook

A gorgeous story about Sarah Hurlihy's life after divorce, and re-entering the dating game. Her sister places a personal ad on her behalf in the paper and soon she has so many guys she doesn't know what to do! As Sarah juggles her job as a preschool teacher and the demands of her interfering family, life gets pretty interesting. A great read.

20-"Everyone Worth Knowing"

By Lauren Weisberger

This was a fun read, form the author of 'The Devil Wears Prada' which followed a similar formula. After quitting her job as a banker, Bette takes a job doing PR for a big-time VIP party planning company. Her job soon takes priority over all other non-pressing commitments (like family and friends) and as she mingles with countless celebrities, almost over night Bette becomes the new 'IT' girl in New York. After a very successful start in her new job life gets a bit too stressful and when she takes a good look around her she doesn't like what she sees. Another great birthday present.