Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Jr High School Graduation

What a formal event! Teachers in kimonos and suits, women in black and white wearing corsages and me with my big, black jacket and heat bag!

The graduation was held in the gymnasium which was decked out with flowers, a red carpet down the centre isle, the school logo on blue and white material was hung around the perimeter of the room and there was seating for about 700 people. Students filed in, down the isle in pairs and stood in front of their seat. Once the whole home group was there, they all bowed to the front and sat down. They sat in home group order (9 classes of 40 students), girls on one side of the isle and boys on the other. To the sides, teachers sat facing inward and on the opposite side sat PTA members and other Principals from neighbouring schools.

The students sang a song and then each home group teacher called out the names of their students. Each student would respond to their name with "hai" and then stand up. Students who achieved success were awarded certificates. The Principal gave a speech, as did the Deputy and other students (all of which required repeatedly standing up, bowing and sitting down). Students sang the school song, along with a few others and then this brought us to the final part of the ceremony.

All of the teachers lined up along the front and were presented with a bouquet of flowers by some blubbering girls. Then, one line at a time, the students stood, said thank you to the teachers, bowed and then filed out again. Many students were crying, as well as the teachers. I blame the emotional music! It was a special occasion.

meanwhile... across town the same thing was happening...

lines and lines of students... apparently some were saying earlier that I (Jono) was privileged to sit where I did, with the other third grade teachers and senior second grade teachers (first grader had to stand up at the back!)... I always have been opposed to school songs in Australia, but now, my opinion is slowly changing... I even know most of the words in Japanese to our school song... I think when 1000 students sing they sing it better than the national anthem... most impressive for me was the setup of the gym... as well as 1000 people, all seated, the stage looked magnificent, as the front was covered with flowers, the lectern was in the middle of the stage and the (massive) flags of Japan and Himeji towered over the principal as he stood in the middle of the stage. It looked really official but not boring. A great brass band (hard to believe they are only 14 at the most, "My Way", an overlooked classic so often for such an occasion!), and it was all for a year 9 grad! Hate to think what they do for university! And even better, it was all completely cleaned and put away in less than an hour... The Japanese way!

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