Friday, July 13, 2007

Wet Season Blues

The wet season has well and truly set in and we can't wait for it to be over. Everyday this past week it has been raining in the morning and most of the day too. And you know what that means...I (Jodi) have to ride my little bike Japanese style.

Rainy season is somewhat inconvenient because there are more things to add to your morning routine.

1) Allow an extra 5 mins to 'suit up' in the wet weather gear.

2) Pack an extra pair of socks, cos the ones you wear are guaranteed to be sopping when you arrive at school.
3) Wrap your bag in a plastic bag for the journey.
4) Make sure you have your umbrella.

Then it's time to ride one handed through the rain, allowing for a longer stopping time, puddles, streams of elementary school kids walking in 2 lines with umbrellas and passing bikers also with umbrellas. School kids are always prepared for wet weather, wearing their pastel green or yellow water proof gear and their school bags wrapped in garbage bags. When you arrive at school you...

1) Hang up your umbrella on your handle bars.

2) Take off your wet water proof gear and hang it over your bike.

3) Run from the bike shelter to the school building.

4) Change your socks and put on your inside shoes. Ahhh, much better.

Rain, rain go AWAY!!!!!! (and go to Australia!)

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