Friday, April 6, 2007

Let There Be Sakura!

The beginning of Spring in Japan is the most precious and beautiful time of the year, the time for Sakura. Sakura is the name for Cherry Blossoms. They are precious because once the blossoms are out, they only last up to 2 weeks before the strong Spring winds blow them away. Japanese people treasure this time of year and celebrate the blossoms by holding Hanami parties underneath them.

Hanami parties are similar to picnics. You have the rug on the ground, a spread of delicious food in the middle and your shoes placed on the ground next to the rug. Hey we're in Japan. Of course you take your shoes off! I went to my first Hanami party this week. Despite it being very cold, I enjoyed it very much. I met some very cute Japanese people and ate some fine Japanese cuisine. We ate in front on the Himeji-jyo along with many other groups of people who were scattered throughout the park. The atmosphere was one of serenity. There are many tourists in town at the moment for the chance to see this special act of nature.

1 comment:

Tinz said...

So far this has been my favourite time of year because it is so beautiful.