Thursday, November 29, 2007

I don't think i'm ready for that jelly

For cultural reference see Destiny's child... Who would have thought the three song stresses (is that really a word?) who like to shake their butts through pure water (actually... wrong cultural reference, think that was British group All Saints, but I digress) would have written lyrics so profound. Though I would have liked them to be more definite... SO if I looked like Beyonce (and believe me there are plenty of of people that wish I did!) and was rewriting "bootylicious" I would have said "I am definitely not ready for that jelly!"

This blog started in February... When I say February that's when it started in my head... and has taken 11 months to make it this far. Upon visiting a convenience store I was looking for a drink. I didn't really want anything carbonated so went for the "Weider multi-vitamin". I thought it sounded delicious and quite nutritious. So imagine my face when after sucking on the straw I got lumps... I though maybe it was off (for Cultural reference see Wadey drinking milk from Jono's fridge at 3 in the morning)... but no, it was just jelly! At least a little liquefied but only due to the fact that apparently it was a phenomenal multi vitamin did I continue and eventually finish. As a side note I have prepared myself for that Jelly and have decided that I am ready, and in fact willing if it has the possibility of some health benefits.

Fast forward to September. Having spent some time in Kobe with Jodi, Ma, Pa and Verity we headed for the vending machine. For those of you who have been here you will know there is a vending machine on every corner. There is also a grape flavored drink in every vending machine. Jodi loves the sweetness of the grape so immediately headed. When she looked into the can (don't ask me why she was doing this) she realised she could see her reflection... mirror mirror in the can... who's the biggest jelly fan... Not Jodi! It was incredibly sweet.. not nice at all... would it have been nice if she was ready for the jelly... categorically no! In some cases it doesn't matter if you're ready for the jelly!

Fast forward to November... Having finished culture day or something like it a can of coffee appeared on my desk... ripper... until I looked closer and realised it was coffee jelly... So I downed it... kind of screwing my face at times... it certainly was different... Begged me to ask the question does it matter if you're ready for the jelly if it just shouldn't be made in the first place...

So, there is my appraisal on jelly in Japan. You can be ready for the jelly if it tastes alright... You won't ever be ready for that jelly if it tastes awful or is just wrong in principal! For those venturing east... Beware the can... read the labels at all costs... and beware that underneath the lid or ring pull could be a nasty surprise.