Saturday, August 25, 2007

Nat and Paul Are Here! Yay!

Nat and Paul have arrived safely in Himeji as the final leg on their 2 month holiday. We sat up chatting and exchanging travel stories and then they settled into their apartment.

Today we had a low key day, a nice sleep in and a casual lunch at our favourite local restaurant where we introduced them to the local cuisine. They both tried miso soup, hot green tea, sticky rice, pickled vegies, Paul had croket (a creamy, potatoey hash brown with gravy) and Nat had ton katsu (pork snitzel with gravey) and eating with chopsticks! Paul managed to snap one of his chopsticks, the first time I have ever seen that happen!!!!

Next we caught the bus into town and went for a stroll through the Himeji Castle grounds and climbed some more stairs (not so many as the Eiffel Tower which had 681 steps) to the top of the castle. The strong winds through the windows were a welcomed relief from the heat. My picture of the castle was inspired by Paul and Nat's shot in Egypt!