Monday, February 5, 2007

We love bike!

We've gone from driving everywhere to driving nowhere! Armed with an international drivers license and no car, we still had to get around, so when in Rome do as the Romans do... Buy a bike with a basket! Bikes for shopping, bikes for fitness, bikes to go to school, bikes to go out for dinner, bikes to go to the pub (and get home again...). On our first venture out in the real world we braved the cold and the bike shop... We had cash but no idea what to say or what the assistants were saying, but in the end we walked out/ rode out of the shop with 2 brand new, fully serviced (with a 100, 000km warranty), polished bikes (and a new, free keyring. It says "We love Bike!").

Jodi has founded her own club, the SSC (Spectacular Stack Club!). It currently only has 3 members, and whilst she is keen for more, surprisingly no one else is! Jodi plans on getting keyrings, t-shirts, bumper sticker (for the bike of course) and billboards made up. Forget Pokemon, the SSC will be the next craze in Japan!

All jokes aside, we are both loving riding... Jodi is doing around 80-100km a week just by going to school and riding around town... Jono is not doing as much, although significantly more than before. We think we will trade in the cars when we get home and get a push bike (basket of course, probably tandem too!) all becuase "We love Bike!"

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