With the end of our working holiday fast approaching (now only a week left) we had a farewell brunch party with our new friends in Japan. Katie, Joe, Taube and Julian were absolute stars and helped us organise a progressive brunch.
Place: Katie and Joe's apartment, #304
Food: Fruit and mimosa.
Place: Taube and Julian's apartment, #403
Food: Sausages, breakfast burritos and biscuits and gravy.
Place: Jodi and Jono's apartment, #302
Food: Pancakes, Pocky and brownies.

We had a wonderful time eating all the delicious food and catching up with everyone. Joe brought out his game "catch Phrase" and we all had a go. It was so funny watching our Japanese friends panic when they couldn't think of the right words! Very cute. Here is a picture of Eiko panicking on her turn! We received our first wedding gift from Eiko as well as some other beautiful parting gifts. We certainly are going to miss all the awesome friends we have made here and hope to meet them again in the future, whether it be America, Australia or Japan.