Thursday, May 24, 2007

Little Gymnasts

At my first visit back to Arakawa Elementary school I saw some pretty impressive sights. Before school the entire student body was out on the 'track' in formation wearing their hats either the right way on (white) or inside out (red). I later learned that they were rehearsing for their Sports Day and the two team colours were white and red. They all lined up in their lines and followed the teachers out the front as they lead the warm up. After practising to form different configurations (a huge circle, straight lines, lines in their teams) they jogged back to class.

During 4th period they had further Sport Day practise. This time it was like they were doing a gymnastics demonstration. It was amazing. These little kids in their blue shorts, white t-shirts and no shoes had legs and arms going everywhere forming perfect human periods and crazy backward handstands. I was mesmerised as the kids did each movement (each dictated by a drum beat) in unison and with ease.

Next was a practise game. I'm not sure of the name, but it involved kids carrying another kid on their shoulders and wrestling other kids on someones shoulders until they fell down. Last man standing won! They were all happily cheering for their team mates and celebrated the final victory. The losing team gave them a round of applause and then they all jogged back to class.