Thursday, April 12, 2007

1st Graders Welcome Picnic

As a part of a New School Year Get-To-Know-You activity, the 1st graders all had a picnic in the park nearby. The park was at the top of a hill and has a beautiful view of Himeji city. It was a beautiful day for a picnic, and the sun was even shining! Bonus. All 1st graders walked in 2 lines in their class groups and assembled on the grass at the park. Then each class went to find their own special place to eat lunch together. I was invited to go with Homeroom 1-3 and we found a section of benches and steps to sit on.

All the teachers had freshly prepared bentos for lunch and the students ate their bento lunch from home. Mrs K and I chatted with the students, who were very shy, and found out that one boy has very good English for a 12 year old.

Once lunch was finished the students were free to go anywhere throughout the park. It was quite obvious that these kids had come straight from Elementary school because they spent the time running/climbing/jumping over obstacles, playing chase, shaking the Cherry Blossoms trees and catching the petals and hanging from bars (not monkey bars either). It was a beautiful park with a castle and many cherry blossom trees.

Mrs K and I wandered through the park, introducing ourselves, having the odd chat in English and taking the odd photo! The kids were so friendly and willing to talk to me. It was great. The girl from the Special Class has taken a liking to me as I have often participated in their cooking classes at school. She kept 'kidnapping' me by taking my hand or pushing me along by my shoulders and leading me around the place. When I sat down she started to collect cherry blossom petals from the ground and sprinkle them on me. Soon other girls got in on the act and soon I was facing storms of petals, which got teachers sitting nearby too! It was a very plaesent way to spend a couple of hours.

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