Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Japanese Cooking Lesson

Miyuki and Hitomi had invited us to come to their apartment and learn how to cook a very famous Japanese dish, Sukiyaki. The whole thing was cooked using a portable gas burner which sat on the kitchen table. Preparation simply involved cutting up some leek and cabbage.

There is a particular order in which you place the ingredients into the pot, which has been written down for us so we can cook it for our visitors. The dish included beef strips, leek, tofu, noodles and cabbage. The sauce was a concoction of cooking sake, sugar, mirin and soy sauce. It all smelled awesome. The pot was only big enough to feed 2 people, so we cooked in two lots. Jono and I cooked the second lot under careful instruction.

What's so special about this? Well, we took the food straight from the pot, dipped it into raw egg and then ate it. Definitely an acquired taste (or mentality about raw eggs), but we both gave it a go, soon preferring to eat the food with our rice. Yet another Japanese meal in our repertoire.

1 comment:

Tinz said...

Sounds like a delicious meal. Good to hear you are both being adventurous.